Drawing An Apple Core Block in EQ

Following up on yesterday’s post, Linda asked me: “Is it hard to draw apple core designs in EQ?”.

Well, it depends on your design talent of course! So for me, I do it before breakfast! ;-) But seriously, for starters, you need an apple core block. And it isn’t in EQ! :-(.

But, it is easy to draft one yourself. You can use the square block to create allover apple core design quilts, with just some extra ‘seam lines’ you can ignore.
To show you how to draw an apple core block, I made a screen recording of me drawing a 3 inch apple core.

Watch the video below if you would like to know how to do this. (There is no audio). I drafted a 6 inch Easy Draw block. Snap settings are Snap to Grid Points and Snap to Nodes of Drawing.

You have to make sure your lines will snap to the block outline. You do that by drawing a line over each block outline. Remember to do it before you start drawing with the Arc Tool!

After drafting the basic apple core, you select one segment to ‘cut in half’. Next, by copying, pasting, rotating and flipping and rotating, you add these arc segments to the apple core to create the partial apple cores to fill the square block.

I drafted a block first and used it as block outlines on my drawing board, to help you see where I was going. You can keep a picture of it next to your screen while drawing.

See how easy it is? Now you try it!
XXX Annika

4 comments on “Drawing An Apple Core Block in EQ

    • Hi Laura,

      I was actually convinced there was an apple core block in EQ that I had used! But no. I had no memory of drafting the block back in 2010 or so, but it was not hard to figure out while playing around a bit.

      Hugs, Annika

  1. Wow! THANK YOU. I had no idea where to start. The video is brilliant. I am going to have fun with this—all because of you. I appreciate you sharing your knowledge and your talent!

    • Dear Linda,

      I am glad you find this helpful! I think it is funny that you can draw all these Inklingo designs in Illustrator so perfectly, which is probably much more complicated! And yet you don’t know where to start with drawing a simple block in EQ! Tip: always look for a way to divide a repeating pattern in squares. If you can do that, and have perfect halves along the sides of the blocks, you can use EQ to create an allover pattern. A symmetrical shape like the apple core is usually fairly straightforward to figure out. Allover patterns in for example a hexagonal repeat are way more difficult to create in EQ.

      XXX Annika

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